Kushae Natural Feminine Deodorant Spray


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We absorb an average of 64% of what we put on our skin. That’s why this Natural Feminine Deodorant Spray is MADE WITHOUT:

Parabens, Sulfates, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), Glycerin, Alcohol, Artificial Colors/Dyes

Parabens can disrupt hormones in the body (which can harm fertility) and can increase the risk of cancer. We said no to parabens.

Sulfates – including sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) – can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, especially for people with sensitive skin. And warm water makes it worse. None of that here.

Glycerin is sugar-based and can cause yeast infections. Not interested.

Alcohol can disrupt your skin’s barrier resulting in redness and inflamed skin – especially for those with sensitive skin. We kept it out.

FD&C (Food, Drugs and Cosmetics) artificial colors and dyes can contain toxins and contaminants like lead and arsenic. Hard no.

Not only that, but we made our Natural Feminine Deodorant Spray without harming any animals. Because we care about them too.


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